Once in a while you’ll have a customer come in who is about to have a special occasion in their life–a wedding, a “senior picture” for the yearbook, etc.
Whenever photos are going to be taken, expect to leave the hair longer than they usually get it. Photos with flash bulbs will make a medium cutting on the side look like there is no hair there. Explain this to your customer and you’ll do them a favor.
Getting a wedding haircut is an extra special event. In this case you should make every effort to have the future spouse come along for the haircut so they can have their input. If possible, have the loved one come for the haircut before the last minute “wedding cut”. That way you’ll have a “practice run” on it–if the haircut needs last minute modifications, you can get it done.
Speaking of spouses, I always encourage new customers to bring their significant other along for their haircut. The person who has to look at it should have a say on the matter.