Q: What or who is You Can Publishing?
A: That’s the name I chose for the company I started in 1984 when I self-published my book, Scissor and Comb Haircutting (now in its eighth printing). It appears on the “Contact” page of this website, all of my how-to, and the invoice/receipt I send when a sale is made.
Q: What’s a classic haircut?
A: It’s a way of having hair cut that has remained popular with millions of people for decades. Any haircut that stays popular for a long time will almost always be easy to care for—not just a quick shampoo and towel-dry in the morning, but it has to look decent throughout the day, even if hand-combed or windblown.
Q: What’s the best way to learn from your videos?
A: Learning new skills is a process that requires time and some effort on your part. We guarantee our how-to will make your haircutting easier, faster, and more enjoyable. What to do? Watch the videos at least a few times to start, and use the “cheat sheets” when you do the haircutting. Then watch the videos once or twice a month for several months.
Why do it this way? These videos are loaded with how-to tips/skills/methods that are too much to be absorbed in one or two viewings. Using the approach described will give you maximum benefit.
Q: What are the terms of your guarantee?
A: You’re 100% satisfied or your money back, including any shipping charge! DON’T return your purchase to us, donate it to a library and send us a copy of the receipt the library gave you. Your refund will be prompt without questions asked.
Q: I can’t afford the 4 video package–what do you recommend?
A: My video, “HAIRCUTTING IS FUN when you know how” covers all the same basic haircuts that are in the three “PRECISION CLIPPER CUTTING” series. “Haircutting is fun..” doesn’t have all the length and shaping variations shown in the “Precision…” series, but it’s an excellent two-hour video that teaches the subject well. The cost is $30.
“PRECISION CLIPPER CUTTING #1 The easy haircuts” is a good starter–it shows easy hairciuts that have been popular for decades, tool handling skills and tool maintenance information. The cost is $30.
Our newest video “PRECISION SCISSOR CUTS is a two-hour video that shows how to give a wide variety of scissor cuts. Now available–the cost is $30.
The book and a good cutting scissor will have you giving precision haircuts. $22.95
Q: What makes Bob Ohnstad an expert?
A: I’m a barber with over 52 years experience. During that time I’ve watched the methods of scores or barbers I’ve worked with–I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. My teacher training also played a big part in producing the book and videos. Giving upwards of 200,000 clipper haircuts made a big difference too.
Q: Why spend $90.00 for four how-to DVDs?
A: Anyone in business knows good signs are expensive, but they pay for themselves by swaying potential customers to give your business a try. Our how-to is even more cost-effective than a sign in that it results in quality haircutting that has your customer coming back for more. Happy customers give you word-of-mouth advertising that builds clientele. We guarantee our videos will be a big help in your efforts to gain more clients!
Q: What kind of haircutting does your videos teach?
A: The various haircuts on the videos are all basic styles that have been popular for decades. These haircuts are the “bread and butter’ of the barber business. They look good all day with minimal haircare, and they’re a less expensive way of being well-groomed.
Q: Who can learn from your videos?
A: Barber students and apprentices find our how-to is like having a tutor by their side–its in-depth instruction shows the how while explaining the why, and most important, it’s easy to understand. Click on “Testimonials” to see a sampling of the many unsolicited letters we get. Experienced professionals who want to learn more effective and faster ways of giving precision-cut haircuts.
Anyone considering barbering as a career. Barbering is a great profession–it ranks near the top of job satisfaction studies. This how-to shows the skills/methods you’ll use to produce people-pleasing haircuts.
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