In the aftermath of the horrendous slaughter of the children and adults at Sandy Hook School, this is written.
We, as hands-on professionals, have a fairly unique opportunity to the people we come into contact with in our work. Our relationship to our customers isn’t just to shorten or otherwise change the little things that grow from our heads–our responsibility to our people is to ease their daily chores, and to always treat people as we would want to be treated.
Don’t minimize the effect of this way of dealing with people. While our profession is not a cure-all capable of turning around a culture that promotes violence–it is a one-at-a-time, one-to-one relationship that has the potential to be very constructive. Few professions have the amount of intimate, frequent contact as ours has. Keeping that contact, as much as possible, on a positive level that treats people with real concern is what WE CAN DO to make a difference in a world that seems, at times, to be on a downward spiral.
Our way of making a living can be a part of the change we want to see in the world. The more of us who “buy” into this notion, the more our human condition is lifted up.
Be the change you seek in this world.
Mohatmas Gandhi