Curly hair takes a “winding route” from the follicle to the end of the hair. This winding path has the appearance of a coiled spring if the hair is extra curly, and a stretched out coiled spring for softer less curly hair.
When doing bulk removal cutting on this kind of hair, the hand holding the hair out from the scalp for the cutting stretches the hair to some extent. It is necessary to have a CONSISTENT “hold out pressure” from one cut to the next. Inconsistent pressure results in different lengths in the cuts you make.
Cutting curly hair has the advantage of “hiding” slight length variations in the overall haircut. Dark curly hair hides these imperfections even more than lighter hair. The only disadvantage to cutting curly hair is the little extra time it takes to carefully scrape the top of the holding fingers with the points of the scissor blades. Curly hair likes to bend and wrap around the top of the holding fingers, instead of standing out from the fingers like straighter hair does. The scraping move gets all the hair to be cut between the blades of the scissor–they all get cut instead of just some.
Men wear three basic hairstyles–parted, unparted, and departed.